Video consumed 66 percent of consumer internet traffic in 2013 and it is expected to be 79 percent of traffic by 2018, according to the Cisco Visual Network Indexing Network. How often do your videos show up in that traffic? Here are five powerful types of videos that should be on your company’s radar.
1. Brand
Create and master the brand video. It should clearly communicate your brand as it is relevant to your stakeholder and inform your audience as to why you exist. It’s about what really makes your company tick.
Don’t tell your audience everything about yourselves or your product. Introduce the bigger picture. Set the scene but don’t be scared to be abstract and generate curiosity.
Coming up with something original and creative can be tricky, especially when your competitors are looking to do the same thing. A great example of a subtle brand video (admittedly hard to emulate – we can’t all hire Jude Law to star) is this one from Johnnie Walker Blue Label:
Directed by Jake Scott, this stylish video seems more like a movie short. It tells a strong story, “The Gentleman’s Wager,” that takes viewers on a journey about a bet made on a beautiful and rare sailboat in azure-colored seas to a dark and mysterious street and building, and back to the water. It sums up the Johnnie Walker Blue Label brand manifesto of discovering and enjoying the finer things in life without ever talking about Johnnie Walker. Released in July 2014, it’s already racked up more than 10 million views.
2. Explainer
An explainer video articulates who your company is and what your product does in 60 to 90 seconds. Introduce the problem and then, of course, highlight your company as the solution.
Think about certain product features and remember to show them, don’t just talk about it.
Tip: Use language that resonates with your audience members. Create that eureka moment where they too think “That does drive me up the wall!”
Shopify’s 55-second “Create a Beautiful Online Store, Sell Online” video incorporates screenshots and key actions of its ecommerce product, but also has a narrative, introduces its target market, and explains the problem Shopify solves. It’s short, sweet and to the point.
Explainer videos can:
- Address sticking points that may stop your audience from using your product
- Highlight any notable brands that use your product to build trustworthiness
- Include a call to action at the end to enable viewers to further their journey with your product
3. Case study
Case study videos show real-life customers who help you build trust with potential customers.
Tip: Cast your case study video wisely. Your audience should identify with this person, so the subject must be credible and share similar goals.
Airbnb’s Host Stories are a perfect example of the use of emotive storytelling in case study videos. Through Nalin, we hear about how being an Airbnb host has benefited him. It goes one step further in that we hear how Airbnb resonates with him at a deeper level, how they share the same ethos. It makes the video a lot more compelling as a result. Potential Airbnb hosts will be inspired, while potential Airbnb guests will welcome the opportunity to stay with a host like Nalin.
4. Demo
Demonstration videos show off a new feature or highlight a technical product. The audience should see the key actions of your product or feature almost straight away. The videos don’t have to be in depth.
Tip: Avoid showing screenshot after screenshot – the ones where the customer support rep goes click by click and creates a painfully slow process.
Mailbox created a simple demo video featuring a hand and a smartphone. The demo video uses visuals and music to show off the product and its key functions in an entertaining way. It clearly articulates the product’s ease of use and learnability. Watching it for the first time I am intrigued enough to want to find out more, especially as we all know how time consuming managing emails can be.
5. Culture
A culture video can be a lot of things – a welcome, a look back or an about-us feature. It humanizes your company and lets your audience see who’s behind the brand.
Tip: Be bold, share your vision and reveal behind-the-scenes workings. Answer questions about who you are, where you have come from and where you want to go. If your customers align with the answers, they’ll join you for the ride.
GoPro’s about-us video opens with a 2011 interview with the CEO who tells of GoPro’s primary vision of developing “stoked” customers to document and share their lives online. The passionate CEO helps personalize the brand. Viewers then are treated to a four-minute journey of compelling, action-packed video in unique settings as captured by GoPro users.
Salesforce also takes viewers back to the very beginning in its anniversary video. It reveals the bare bones of its beginning and how far it has come, but also reiterates how its values have stayed true through time. By capturing the anniversary event, viewers can glimpse the unique and varied staff members, and how they too are inspired by and buy into the overall mission. It all adds up to a heartwarming story and creates a belief that Salesforce is a trustworthy company that someone would want to do business with.
Now it’s your turn
Jump into the world of video, and begin with a purpose so you can select the most appropriate type of video. Start with one and you’ll find the others will soon flow.
Want to experience a video that falls under a sixth category – education? Learn more about videos as part of your content marketing. Check out all the fantastic CMW sessions available through our Video on Demand portal.
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