Last month, I participated in Web Content 2010 (here is the presentation on higher purpose content marketing).
Someone (who asked not to be named) sent me a number of tweets from that event that they found inspiring from my presentation. I thought I’d share them here. Enjoy!
Create a brand message that people can rally around. @epublishmedia
Good content should have a higher purpose, have a point of view and takes a stand. @SproutContent @Robert_Rose
You don’t want everyone to love you. People are loyal to POVs. Take a stand. @epublishmedia
How can I be interesting to my customers (content) if we (my competitors) are all talking about the same thing? @LifeFromAbove
So, @juntajoe‘s list of clear brands includes @SouthwestAir, @halvorson, @garyvee—as all three would say, CHEERS! @mbloomstein
It’s not what you sell it’s what you stand for. @SproutContent @meghscase
Content secret sauce – where your expertise & the needs of your customers meet. @SproutContent @tammie_egloff
Interesting content lives in the Venn overlap of an org’s expertise and audience’s interests. @mbloomstein @ahaval
“Social media isn’t cheap. It’s just a different kind of expensive.” @juntajoe quoting @jaybaer via @mbloomstein
Why do you trust employees to communicate with customers via phone/email but not blogs/social media. @epublishmedia
Someone in your company needs to be your content ambassador @SproutContent
The more you blog, the more business you get. @tammie_egloff according to @hubspot
Any content that you put on your website is a promise to your customers in some way. @SproutContent
@chrisbrogan‘s time spent using social media: 25% listening, 50% commenting/interacting, 25% publishing via @bemydog
The body of the email was this statement…
“Joe, I couldn’t attend this event but watched from Twitter and found the conversation fascinating. I keep many of these quotes at my computer as I develop content for my customers. It inspires me to think of the content I develop as a gift, not a chore…thank you Joe!”
Wow, talk about inspiration. This is why I do what I do.