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Building the Case for Content Marketing

If you are working in a mid- to large-size organization, sometimes the hardest part about content marketing is getting buy-in. According to CMI’s content marketing 2013 research, 22% of B2B and 21% of B2C marketers cite getting executive buy-in as a challenge for content marketing.

Prepare for your battle for content marketing buy-in. CMI’s guide to Mastering the Buy-in Conversation on Content Marketing will give you everything you need to make a compelling case.

Getting executive buy-in

Here are some ideas on how to explain and justify content marketing to the powers-that-be:


Oftentimes, it helps to be able to reference research that shows trends in marketing. If you need some “data ammunition,” these reports may help:

Examples and case studies

Another great way to justify content marketing is to show how other companies are having success. Here are some case studies and examples to pull from: